Find Your Place

Find Your Place of ministry here at Kingsland FBC. We want to walk along side you as we work together to further the Kingdom of God in our community and beyond. May we suggest you complete the Spiritual Gifts Survey and based on your scoring and recommended strong points we would love to introduce you to some special opportunities just for you.


The purpose of knowing your spiritual gifts

Spiritual gifts relate to our lives, other people’s lives, the local church, and the body of Christ as a whole. Therefore, identifying and understanding God-given spiritual gifts should be a high priority in every Christian’s life.

What God has called you to do He has gifted you to do, and what He has gifted you to do He has called you to do.

Directions on how to find your spiritual gifts

This is not a test so there are no wrong answers.  The Spiritual Gifts survey consists of statements.  Some items reflect concrete actions;  other items are descriptive traits; and still others are statements of belief. The website take approximately 15 minutes to complete so take your time.

  • Click the button below.  It will take you to a website ( and click "Begin Survey".
  • They will give you 3 options for each statement "Almost Always" "Occasionally" and "Not Very Often".
  • Select the one response you feel best characterizes yourself and vote accordingly.
  • Do not spend too much time on any one item.  The first response is the best response.
  • Once finished, it will have you create an account, before receiving your results.  Be sure to fill in a proper email so you can receive your results.
  • Then you will be taken to your results.  It should send it to the email you provided as well.
  • Send the email you received to and put in the subject line your name.

All Done!

Spiritual Gifts Survey