Military Ministry


As you make your way to the Kings Bay area you will be looking for ways to make the area your home. You want to find shopping areas, restaurants, recreation areas, and other kinds of services near your home that will make you feel like you are at home. You may also look for a church home where you can feel loved and cared for through the love of Christ. Please consider giving us a try. We love military families and we understand the challenges you face through the many moves you make, the deployments you face, and all that pertains to military life. We know that you are looking for a place where you can be among family. Welcome to our family!

If there is some way we can serve you while you are stationed in our community, please feel free to contact us. If you are looking for ways to become involved and serve, we would love to connect with you.

Do you have questions about God or being a Christian? We would welcome the opportunity to talk with you. We would treasure the time with you with no strings attached or pressure of any kind. We also offer opportunities for you to learn more about the Christian life through our Bible study classes and small groups.


We would be honored to help in any way to make your move to Kings Bay go more smoothly. We want to help you regardless of whether or not you ever attend or have an interest in becoming a part of our church family. If we can help, please let us know.


Are you planning to PCS in the near future? When military families connected to our church leave our community we like to help them connect with other military friendly churches. We offer this to all military in our community who are not associated with our church.